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Electronic Questions, or EQ’s are common for many queries concerning silkscreen on pads. PCB Global’s Computer Aided manufacturing (CAM) Engineering department will always be ready to answer and confirm with customers whenever a question arises.

Silkscreen on Pads

EQ from CAM:

Silkscreen component legends on the plated holes or vias.


It is not common to have any silkscreen component legend on any copper area whatsoever. This results in a poor quality printed silkscreen legend which can be illegible to your design and use of PCB’s. In some cases, the PCB designer has no choice but to apply the component legend silkscreen as per the below image as there is no room to move these designators (see below).


With validation from our customer, the silkscreen component legend was printed as per the file resulting in some incomplete text in areas.

For further tips and information when designing and laying out your printed circuit board design file please do not hesitate to contact our PCB Global team at sales@pcbglobal.com


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